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Coenzyme Q10

English name: Coenzyme Q10 
Latin Name: Coenzyme Q10
CAS No.: 303-98-0
Molecular Formula: C59H90O4
Active ingredients: Coenzyme Q10
Specification: Coenzyme Q10 98%
Use Part :leaf/bark
Appearance: Yellow crystal powder
Mesh size:80 Mesh
Test Method: HPLC

1.CoQ10 is a naturally-occuring compound found in every cell in the body.
2.CoQ10 plays a key role in producing energy in the mitochondria, the part of a cell responsible for the production of energy in the form of ATP.
3.Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 is a treatment for some of the very rare and serious mitochondrial disorders and other metabolic disorders, where patients are not capable of producing enough coenzyme Q10 because of their disorder.Coenzyme Q10 is then prescribed by a physician.
4.CoQ10 is also being investigated as a treatment for cancer, and as relief from cancer treatment side-effects
5.Another recent study shows a survival benefit after cardiac arrest if coenzyme Q10 is administered in addition to commencing active cooling of the body to 90–93 degrees Fahrenheit
CoQ10 boosts energy, enhances the immune system, and acts as an antioxidant.
Diabetes:CoQ10 supplements may improve heart health and blood sugar and help manage high cholesterol and high blood pressure in individuals with diabetes.
Heart damage caused by chemotherapy
Several clinical studies suggest that CoQ10 may help prevent heart damage caused by certain chemotherapy drugs (namely adriamycin or other athracycline medications).
Heart surgery:Clinical research indicates that introducing CoQ10 prior to heart surgery, including bypass surgery and heart transplantation, can reduce damage caused by free radicals, strengthen heart function, and lower the incidence of irregular heart beat (arrhythmias) during the recovery phase.
Breast cancer:Studies of women with breast cancer suggest that CoQ10 supplements (in addition to conventional treatment and a nutritional regimen including other antioxidants and essential fatty acids) may shrink tumors, reduce pain associated with the condition, and cause partial remission in some individuals.
Periodontal (gum) disease:Gum disease is a widespread problem that is associated with swelling, bleeding, pain, and redness of the gums.

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